Tuesday, 21 June 2022

Book Review: Stunt Kids by Trent Roberts

 Stunt Kids
Trent Roberts
Publisher: Pan Macmillan Australia
Imprint: Pan Australia
Publication date:  31st may 2022

Genre: Middle Grade, Children's Fiction

Pages: 272

RRP: $16.99

Format read: Paperback

My review

Gretel's parents are super cautious, wrapping her in cotton wool so she doesn't get hurt. She is home schooled, is not allowed outside and twelve-year-old Gretel has no friends.

When Gretel's parents win a very boring holiday they enroll her in a STUNT camp, which they thought was a Sensible, Totally, Undangerous, Never Thrilling camp.

I liked how Gretel, who changes her name to Glory, was reserved and nervous when she joined the camp but slowly, with the encouragement of the leaders and other children, she starts to relax and join in. Along the way she discovers strengths she didn't know she had.

There is plenty of silly humour that will have readers laughing out loud. I did find the start of the story a bit slow as Roberts sets the scene and the main characters, 3 boys and 3 girls, get to know each other.
Once the action starts it is full on. The pre-teens face a giant octopus and laser shooting hummingbirds. The stunt kids must work together and draw on the stunts they learnt at camp to survive and save the day.

Brimming with fun trivia facts and a couple of unexpected twists, Stunt Kids is an adventure filled book with themes of facing your fears, never giving up, finding your strengths and team work.

We are looking forward to book 2 and seeing what adventures the stunt kids will have next.
Ages: 8 - 12 years

Rating 3.5 / 5   ⭐⭐⭐½

*Thank you to the publisher for our copy to read and review

About the author

Trent Roberts is a screenwriter and author who lives in the western suburbs of Melbourne with his partner, two kidlets and French bulldog, Ziggy. He loves the ocean, weird animals, indie pop and choc-tops. While he can't do any of the stunts described in this book, he can do a half-decent forward roll and, in perfect conditions, remain upright on his surfboard for a few seconds.

Friday, 10 June 2022

Book Review: Dex the Bilby (The Lolly Shop #2) by L,B & E. Hackney

 Dex the Bilby
L, B & E. Hackney

Publisher: Self Published
Publication date: 2nd January 2022
Series: The Lolly Shop #2
Genre: Children's / Middle Grade
Pages: 164
Format read: paperback
Source: Courtesy of the author
My review
Dex the Bilby is book 2 in The Lolly Shop Series.
Baxter and Ethan now have their magic lolly making well under way and have decided to have a magical sports carnival. All the citizens of Manly start training.
Back at the lolly shop a portal opens and a bilby appears. He need the boys' help to save his world from the evil Vulpes and his reptilian snake guards. 
A record breaking building climb, a close encounter with a shark plus plenty of action and adventure combine to make this humorous story bubble with tension and danger.
We really enjoyed the second book in The Lolly Shop series. The only thing that let it down was a lack of good editing. There are many spelling errors and incorrect punctuation throughout the book which I am hoping will be addressed by book 3. 
Dex the Bilby ends on a cliff hanger which will have fans eager for book 3. 
Our rating 3 / 5  ⭐⭐⭐ 
About the author
Lauren lives in a seaside suburb of Brisbane. She lives with her beautiful man, Geoffrey and their two boys Baxter and Ethan.
Together they love exploring, trying new things, laughing and being amongst nature.
Another pastime of theirs is story telling. Whether it be a bedtime story, a campfire story or a road trip story - they love each taking a turn and seeing where the story takes them.
They love their animals at home. They have chickens, fish, cockatiels and a recently adopted dog.
For many years Lauren worked in aviation however the pandemic put a stop to that so together they decided to put pen to paper and wrote this story.

Tuesday, 7 June 2022

Book Review: Brave the Storm (Sky Dragon #4) by Anh Do

 Brave the Storm
Anh Do
Publisher: Allen & Unwin
Publication date: 29th March 2022
Series: Sky Dragon #4
Genre: Children's Middle Grade
Pages: 175
RRP: $15.99AUD
Format read: Paperback
Source: Courtesy of the publisher 

My review
Brave the Storm, book 4 in the Sky Dragon series, is a fast paced adventure story.
Dot is an avid reader of Ahn Do's Wolf Girl series and she loves reading about intelligent, fearless girls.
Brave the Storm was her first Sky Dragon book and she really enjoyed Amber's courageousness. 
In book 4 Amber has lost her powers and goes to the Sennam rainforest with Irene to rest and recuperate. Although there is not much resting when a large corporation arrives to mine for diamonds and destroy the rainforest running the peaceful villagers, who are protecting the area, out of their homes.
Brave the Storm has plenty of action and danger to keep the reader immersed. We did get lost with some areas of the plot having not read the previous books.
Dot is now keen to read the first three books in this series.
Our rating 4 / 5  ⭐⭐⭐⭐

About the author
Anh Do is a comedian, artist and also one of the highest selling Australian authors of all time, with total book sales approaching 3 million.

Anh’s first book, The Happiest Refugee, is his enormously popular memoir recounting his perilous childhood journey in a tiny boat from war-torn Vietnam to Australia. The book became an instant hit and has won numerous awards including Australian Book of the Year.

Anh has since turned his attention to children’s book writing. 
It’s clear that Anh is an exciting voice in literature, able to delight across age ranges and different genres with great success, and he isn’t planning to slow down any time soon.

Wednesday, 1 June 2022

Book Review: Push Pin Art Projects by Candy Berg

 Push Pin Art Projects
Candy Berg
Publisher: Self Published

Publication date: 14th February 2022
Genre: Children's
Pages: 40 (20 images + 20 blank)
Format read: eBook
Source: Courtesy of the author
My review
This was a fun activity that kept the children amused during the school holidays. We did it over a couple of days as it takes some length of concentration.
Promotes hand-eye coordination, fine motor skills and elements of patients and concentration.
The book comes with 20 cute spring designs plus blank pages to work with. We used thick coloured craft paper and hung the finished product on the window - like a light catcher.
You  will need  a thump tack, bulldog clip or paper clip and something soft to place the sheets on so the pin will prick through. I used sheets of EVA foam.
The book is available on Amazon and there are also other themed books in the series.
Jay aged 5 wasn't keen on sitting still and creating so he coloured his in. Craft should be relaxing and creative and I try not to be restrictive in his attempts.


Book Review: Jo and the No by Kyle Mewburn

  Jo has come across a NO. No matter how hard Jo tries to get under, over, through or around it, the NO won't let them pass.     illustr...