Showing posts with label Australian Animals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Australian Animals. Show all posts

Friday, 28 February 2025

Book Review: Caution! This Book Contains Deadly Reptiles by Corey Tutt

Caution! This Book Contains Deadly Reptiles is the ultimate children's science book by DeadlyScience founder Corey Tutt, best selling author of The First Scientists
illustrated by Ben Williams
 Publisher: Allen & Unwin Children's
Publication date: 4th February 2025
Genre: Non Fiction / Picture Book
Pages: 140
RRP: AU$32.99 (Hardcover)
Source: Courtesy of the publisher
Caution! This Book Contains Deadly Reptiles is an amazing book filled with cool facts and vibrant, real to life illustrations that will entrance and enthrall all reptile enthusiasts big and small.
With over 60 reptiles and information on what they look like, what makes it deadly, favourite feeds, predators and prey and how they breed.
For each reptile you will also discover its First Nations name and where it can be found in Australia.
Caution! This Book Contains Deadly Reptiles is a fantastic hardcover book that will become a treasured reference guide to children interested in reptiles, conservation and the environment.
My rating 5 / 5 🐍🦎🐢🐊🐍
Recommended age: 8 - 14 years



Tuesday, 19 November 2024

Book Review: The Boab Tree by Helen Milroy

The Boab Tree is a delightful story about friendship and belonging. 

 Publisher: Fremantle Press
Publication date: 29th October 2024
Genre: Children's Picture Book
Pages: 40
RRP: AU$24.99 (hardcover)
Source: Courtesy of the publisher

When a tiny boab nut travels on the back of a bird far from the land of his ancestors he struggles to grow and survive in this unknown ground. Boab knew he had to return to his family. His new friends, the animals of the forest floor, work together to take the little boab tree back to his ancestral home and the land he knows.
The Boab Tree is a beautiful story about connection to country and ancestors with memories passed down through generations. This is a story about friends banding together and helping one another.
Helen Milroy captures the colours of country in her beautiful, bold double page spreads with text on one page and illustrations on the facing page.
The Boab Tree is an enchanting read-aloud story to share with your child. It would make the perfect bedtime story read over a few nights.
My rating 4 / 5 🌴🌴🌴🌴
Recommended age: 6 - 10 years
Teaching notes and activities can be found at Fremantle Press.




Tuesday, 12 November 2024

Book Review: The Postman's My Mate by Kelly Louise Jarris

 The Postman's My Mate is a fun and heart-warming story of a young boy, living on a farm in country Australia, who looks forward to the postman's visit just a few times a year.

 Illustrated by Natalie Herington
Publisher: KLJ Books
Publication date: 2024
Genre: Children's Picture Book
Pages: 32
RRP: AU$29.95 (hardcover) 
Source: Won

This gorgeous picture book oozes country charm, from the dry red earth and rustic farmhouse to young Charlie with his Akubra hat and animal friends.

One day the postman drops a large box at Charlie's gate but Charlie is hesitant to open it as he and the postman love to play jokes on each other. Last year Charlie left a box for the postman and when he opened it out popped a clown!
Charlie and friends, emu and magpie, take a while to ponder what could be in the box. When Charlie finally opens it all there is inside is a note that reads; "Imagine the things this could be if you tried."

Charlie pulls out his craft box and lets his imagination run wild; a boat, a rocket, the possibilities are endless.
The Postman's My Mate is a wonderous story about recycling and the joys of using your imagination.

We love empty boxes, big and small, there are so many things you can make with them; boats, cars, trains, puppet shows, dolls wardrobe, dolls house, castles. I've even made a bookcase out of empty boxes!

Natalie Herington's illustrations are the best! Filled with heart and humour. She has brought to life Charlie's friends, the emu and the magpie. They are simply adorable. Kids will love them.

The Postman's My Mate is not only a story about the wonders of using your imagination it is also a fabulous introduction to young children of how other children live in remote areas.
My rating 5 / 5 📬📬📬📬📬 
Recommended age: 3 -10 years

The book can be purchased from the author:




Tuesday, 29 October 2024

Book Review: Quokka Finds a Friend by Katie Stewart

 Quokka Finds a Friend


Katie Stewart

Publisher: Fremantle Press
Publication date: 1st August 2024
Genre: Children's Picture Book
Pages: 32
RRP: AU$24.99 (hardcover)
Source: Courtesy of the publisher

Review: Quokka Finds a Friend

How can you not fall in love with Quokkas, with their lovely round tummies and cute smiley faces!
When Quokka meets Seal he thinks he's sad because he isn't smiling (Quokka loves to smile).
He tries his hardest to be Seal's friend and make him smile. He tries lots of funny faces but still no smiles. Copying the humans, Quokka pretends to take a selfie with Seal (this always makes the humans smile) then Quokka falls in the water.
Seal says he will teach Quokka to swim but when Quokka says he really doesn't want to swim Seal replies that he really doesn't want to smile.
They soon find something they both love doing; watching the sunset together.
Quokka Finds a Friend is  the sweetest story about friendship and that friends don't need to like everything the same. Differences don't mean you can't be friends, you just need to find some common ground.
Highly detailed,  colourful illustrations pair with minimal text to make this read-aloud story book warm and inviting. Could Quokka get any  more adorable!!
Quokka and Seal's personalities pop from the page through Katie Stewart's adorable illustrations.
Beside its wonderful moral about friendship the story can be read for sheer cute appeal.
Quokka Finds a Friend is perfect for parents, carers, grandparents and educators to read aloud with children, and use it as a tool to discuss the concept of understanding other people's emotions.
My rating 5 / 5 🐻🐻🐻🐻🐻 
Recommended age: 3 - 6 years (older kids will love this too)


Sunday, 22 September 2024

Book Review: South With the Seabirds by Jess McGeachin

 South With the Seabirds


Jess McGeachin

Publisher: Allen & Unwin
Publication date: 3rd September 2024
Genre: Non Fiction / Picture Book
Pages: 40
RRP: AU$29.99 (hardback)
Source: Courtesy of the publisher

 Review: South With the Seabirds

At the moment Jay is really enjoying true stories and stories about penguins. Imagine his delight when we received South with the Seabirds; a true story with penguins!! Wide eyed he asked me if this is a true story. "Yes". "So it really happened." "Yes, a long time ago."

South With the Seabirds, written and illustrated by Jess McGeachin, is the true story of Mary Gillham, Hope MacPherson, Susan Ingham and Isobel Bennett. The first female scientists to join an Australian National Antarctic Research Expedition.

Through simple language and full spread colour illustrations Jess tells the amazing story of these four women who were trailblazers for all women interested in science and the environment. An inspiration to both boys and girls and a reminder to follow your dreams even if the odds are against you.

South With the Seabirds is a fabulous resource for environmental talks for primary aged children. It includes information on the trip from Melbourne to the subantarctic Macquarie Island. The birds, ocean life and land animals of the area are illustrated and labelled.

Through the work of environmentalists Macquarie Island is slowly recovering from the damage caused by introduced species.

There is also a timeline of Macquarie Island, photo and bio of the four female scientists and notes on what young naturalists can do to help heal our world.

My rating 5 / 5 🐧🐧🐧🐧🐧
Recommended age: 6 -12 years

Sunday, 6 August 2023

Book Review: Leaf-Light by Trace Balla



Trace Balla

Publisher:  Allen & Unwin Children's
Publication date: 1st August 2023
Genre: Picture Book / Graphic Novel
Pages: 80
RRP: $27.99AU (hardcover)
Source: Courtesy of the publisher

Review: Leaf-Light

Leaf-Light is told from the point of view of Miri, a young girl, who lives with her mother on Djaara Country in country Victoria. As Miri plays and explores with her neighbour and friend Wingo they learn about caring for native animals, the environment around them and being part of a community.

Leaf-Light is a stunningly illustrated and gentle graphic novel that empowers children, and adults, to embrace nature and community. The story shows the people, animals and birds living in harmony. Trace Balla encourages the reader to embrace joy from the little things in life, helping one another and spending time to be one with nature as we follow Miri and her friends go about their day playing, watching and learning.
There is so much love and detail in this book you could take days and days just going over the detailed illustrations and then come back and still find little things you missed. 

Leaf-Light is a truly special addition to any home library.

Age recommended 8 - 12 years (however suitable for all ages)

5 /5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

About the author

Trace Balla is a well-loved Australian children's book author, illustrator and writer of song lyrics who lives on Dja Dja Wurrung Country. She has won the CBCA Book of the Year Award, the Readings Children's Book Prize, the Wilderness Society's Environment Award for Children's Literature, a Comic Arts Awards of Australia Bronze Ledger, and an Honour Award for the inaugural SCBWI Australian Picture Book Illustrator Awards. She has also been shortlisted for the NSW Premier's Literary Awards, Speech Pathology Book of the Year Awards (twice), Adelaide Festival Awards for Children's Literature, and ALIA Graphic's Notable Australian Graphic Novel Award.

Wednesday, 9 November 2022

Book Review: The Lolly Shop #3 - Calm Before the Snow

Title: Calm Before the Snow
Author: L,B & E Hackney
Series: The Lolly Shop #3
Publisher: Self Published
Publication date: 25th July 2022
Genre: First Chapter Book
Pages: 170
Format: Paperback
Source: Courtesy of the author

My review of Calm Before the Snow 

Calm Before the Snow is the third book in The Lolly Shop series and what a fun read it is!

The series is set in Queensland, Australia and Bax and Ethan are hoping it give the town snow for Christmas. Dex the bilby is trying to think of ways to stop Vulpes destroying the bilby habitat in the alternate world of Nochternelle. He uses a portal to visit the boys for help.

Calm before the Snow would have to be my favourite book in the series, although Dot loves them all.
Bax and Ethan are back to making more magical treats after the big break in from book 2.
There are are treats to give your pets so they can talk. Who wouldn't like to know what their pet is thinking! This made for some humorous moments that caused us all to chuckle.

Along with all the fun there are ecological themes such as sustainability, regeneration, protection and growth of native species, plus the danger of introduced species killing native animals and destroying the eco-system of the area.

Calm Before the Snow is a fun story with an engaging plot sure to be enjoyed by the 6 to 10 years age group.

my rating 4 / 5  ⭐⭐⭐⭐


Tuesday, 16 August 2022

Book Review: Flipper and Finnegan by Sophie Cunningham

 Flipper and Finnegan
Sophie Cunningham
illustrated by Anil Tortop

The True Story of How Tiny Jumpers Saved Little Penguins
Publisher: Allen & Unwin
Imprint: Albert Street Books
Publication date: 16th August 2022
Genre: Children's Picture Book
Pages: 24
RRP: $ 19.99AUD
Format read: Hardcover
Source: Courtesy of the publisher
My thoughts
🐧🐧 This delightful tale about two tiny penguins, inspired by real events, is a heart-warming story about community and the power of media for a call out for help. 

 🐧🐧 Flipper and Finnegan are part of the huge penguin family living on Phillip Island but when a large oil spill occurs off the coast of the island their lives are put in danger.
Local rangers from the Wildlife Centre spring into action to save the penguins. They all need washing to remove the oil. A call-out goes out for tiny knitted jumpers for the penguins to wear while waiting to be cleaned. All around the world people knit jumpers and send them in.

🐧🐧 An uplifting and positive story, fun and full of warmth, with underlying environmental themes presenting a good opportunity to talk about our natural environment and the animals living in it.
With visually stunning and colourful full page illustrations Flipper and Finnegan is sure to delight children aged 3 years plus.
Note: Thousands of jumpers were received and surplus jumpers are sold on toys to raise funds for wildlife conservation on Phillip Island. 
Our rating 5 / 5  ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
publisher recommended age: 3 - 6 years 
About the author
Photo credit: Mathew Lynn

Sophie Cunningham is the author of five books, City of Trees, Geography, Bird, Melbourne, and Warning: The Story of Cyclone Tracy. She is a former publisher and editor, was a co-founder of the Stella Prize and is now an Adjunct Professor at RMIT University's Non/fiction Lab. In 2019 Sophie Cunningham was made a Member of the Order of Australia (AM) for her contributions to literature.
About the illustrator
Anil Tortop was born and raised in Turkey. She moved to Australia in early 2011 and has been trying to get used to the local eight-legged house intruders and slithering visitors to her garden ever since. Anil also works as an animator and character designer, and lives with her husband in Brisbane. Her previous books include A First Time For Everything by Tiffiny Hall & Ed Kavalee and Bat vs Poss by Alexa Moses.

Friday, 10 June 2022

Book Review: Dex the Bilby (The Lolly Shop #2) by L,B & E. Hackney

 Dex the Bilby
L, B & E. Hackney

Publisher: Self Published
Publication date: 2nd January 2022
Series: The Lolly Shop #2
Genre: Children's / Middle Grade
Pages: 164
Format read: paperback
Source: Courtesy of the author
My review
Dex the Bilby is book 2 in The Lolly Shop Series.
Baxter and Ethan now have their magic lolly making well under way and have decided to have a magical sports carnival. All the citizens of Manly start training.
Back at the lolly shop a portal opens and a bilby appears. He need the boys' help to save his world from the evil Vulpes and his reptilian snake guards. 
A record breaking building climb, a close encounter with a shark plus plenty of action and adventure combine to make this humorous story bubble with tension and danger.
We really enjoyed the second book in The Lolly Shop series. The only thing that let it down was a lack of good editing. There are many spelling errors and incorrect punctuation throughout the book which I am hoping will be addressed by book 3. 
Dex the Bilby ends on a cliff hanger which will have fans eager for book 3. 
Our rating 3 / 5  ⭐⭐⭐ 
About the author
Lauren lives in a seaside suburb of Brisbane. She lives with her beautiful man, Geoffrey and their two boys Baxter and Ethan.
Together they love exploring, trying new things, laughing and being amongst nature.
Another pastime of theirs is story telling. Whether it be a bedtime story, a campfire story or a road trip story - they love each taking a turn and seeing where the story takes them.
They love their animals at home. They have chickens, fish, cockatiels and a recently adopted dog.
For many years Lauren worked in aviation however the pandemic put a stop to that so together they decided to put pen to paper and wrote this story.

Book Review: Jo and the No by Kyle Mewburn

  Jo has come across a NO. No matter how hard Jo tries to get under, over, through or around it, the NO won't let them pass.     illustr...