Showing posts with label First Chapter Book. Show all posts
Showing posts with label First Chapter Book. Show all posts

Friday, 24 May 2024

Book Review: Rosie by Lisa Van Der Wielen



Lisa Van Der Wielen

Publisher: Self Published
Publication date: 9th April 2024
Series: Rosie #1
Genre: Children's First Chapter Book 
Pages: 64
RRP:  The book can be purchased on Amazon in softcover and eBook.
Source: Courtesy of the author

Review: Rosie (book 1)

Meet Rosie, she is a cute little toy poodle who loves to comfort humans and give them lots of love.
She also manages to get into all sorts of mischief. She is inquisitive and loyal, guarding her family from danger; like the postman and garbage trucks.

One day she is accidentally scooped up into the green-waste recycling truck.

Rosie is a fun first reader narrated by Rosie and noting all the mischief she gets into (although she doesn’t think it’s mischief) and a suspense filled ride in a green-waste recycling truck.
How will she get back to her family?

Perfect for read together from 3+years and read alone from 5+years. Large text and super cute illustrations give added appeal.

End notes on recycling green-waste and making your own compost make a perfect intro to talks on sustainability. 

My recommended age 3 - 10 years
Publishers recommended age 6 - 10 years
Rating 4.5 / 5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐½ 

Friday, 17 May 2024

Book Review: Talent Quest: Smarty Pup 4 by Anh Do

 Talent Quest: Smarty Pup 4


Anh Do

illustrated by Anton Emdin
Publisher: Allen & Unwin Children's
Publication date: 30th April 2024
Series: Smarty Pup (Pawsome Genius) #4
Genre: Illustrated chapter book
Pages: 200
RRP: $16.99AU (paperback)
Source: Courtesy of the publisher

Review: Talent Quest: Smarty Pup #4

JJ the genius pup is back again with book 4, Talent Quest!
If, like me, you are new to Smarty Pup there is an intro explaining how JJ got to be so smart and be able to talk.
Dad's birthday is coming up and Lily and JJ don't have any money to buy him a present.
The perfect opportunity presents itself via the school talent quest which has a cash prize.
Lily and JJ sign up for the singing category. The only problem is JJ CAN NOT SING!
Lots of fun ensues while JJ learns to sing and costumes are selected. They almost miss the big day when JJ has an emergency dental appointment.
Filled with bright colourful illustrations and words that pop from the page,Talent Quest is sure to delight children and adults alike. JJ keeps delivering the dad jokes one after the other which had Jay laughing and saying "enough dad jokes."
This is such a fun story and I love that the Smarty Pup series has full stories with a conclusion, which is great for younger readers who may not understand the concept of a story continuing in the next book. At 200 pages it is a good size for older children to fully immerse themselves in.
Talent Quest is a story about trying your best and working with what you have.
This was lots of fun to read together and it kept Jay entertained and eager to know what was going to happen next. 
My rating 5 / 5  ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Recommended age: 6 - 10 years

Wednesday, 9 November 2022

Book Review: The Lolly Shop #3 - Calm Before the Snow

Title: Calm Before the Snow
Author: L,B & E Hackney
Series: The Lolly Shop #3
Publisher: Self Published
Publication date: 25th July 2022
Genre: First Chapter Book
Pages: 170
Format: Paperback
Source: Courtesy of the author

My review of Calm Before the Snow 

Calm Before the Snow is the third book in The Lolly Shop series and what a fun read it is!

The series is set in Queensland, Australia and Bax and Ethan are hoping it give the town snow for Christmas. Dex the bilby is trying to think of ways to stop Vulpes destroying the bilby habitat in the alternate world of Nochternelle. He uses a portal to visit the boys for help.

Calm before the Snow would have to be my favourite book in the series, although Dot loves them all.
Bax and Ethan are back to making more magical treats after the big break in from book 2.
There are are treats to give your pets so they can talk. Who wouldn't like to know what their pet is thinking! This made for some humorous moments that caused us all to chuckle.

Along with all the fun there are ecological themes such as sustainability, regeneration, protection and growth of native species, plus the danger of introduced species killing native animals and destroying the eco-system of the area.

Calm Before the Snow is a fun story with an engaging plot sure to be enjoyed by the 6 to 10 years age group.

my rating 4 / 5  ⭐⭐⭐⭐


Book Review: Jo and the No by Kyle Mewburn

  Jo has come across a NO. No matter how hard Jo tries to get under, over, through or around it, the NO won't let them pass.     illustr...