The Postman's My Mate is a fun and heart-warming story of a young boy, living on a farm in country Australia, who looks forward to the postman's visit just a few times a year.
Illustrated by Natalie Herington
Publisher: KLJ Books
Publication date: 2024
Genre: Children's Picture Book
Pages: 32
RRP: AU$29.95 (hardcover)
Source: Won
This gorgeous picture book oozes country charm, from the dry red earth and rustic farmhouse to young Charlie with his Akubra hat and animal friends.
One day the postman drops a large box at Charlie's gate but Charlie is hesitant to open it as he and the postman love to play jokes on each other. Last year Charlie left a box for the postman and when he opened it out popped a clown!
One day the postman drops a large box at Charlie's gate but Charlie is hesitant to open it as he and the postman love to play jokes on each other. Last year Charlie left a box for the postman and when he opened it out popped a clown!
Charlie and friends, emu and magpie, take a while to ponder what could be in the box. When Charlie finally opens it all there is inside is a note that reads; "Imagine the things this could be if you tried."
Charlie pulls out his craft box and lets his imagination run wild; a boat, a rocket, the possibilities are endless.
Charlie pulls out his craft box and lets his imagination run wild; a boat, a rocket, the possibilities are endless.
The Postman's My Mate is a wonderous story about recycling and the joys of using your imagination.
We love empty boxes, big and small, there are so many things you can make with them; boats, cars, trains, puppet shows, dolls wardrobe, dolls house, castles. I've even made a bookcase out of empty boxes!
Natalie Herington's illustrations are the best! Filled with heart and humour. She has brought to life Charlie's friends, the emu and the magpie. They are simply adorable. Kids will love them.
The Postman's My Mate is not only a story about the wonders of using your imagination it is also a fabulous introduction to young children of how other children live in remote areas.
We love empty boxes, big and small, there are so many things you can make with them; boats, cars, trains, puppet shows, dolls wardrobe, dolls house, castles. I've even made a bookcase out of empty boxes!
Natalie Herington's illustrations are the best! Filled with heart and humour. She has brought to life Charlie's friends, the emu and the magpie. They are simply adorable. Kids will love them.
The Postman's My Mate is not only a story about the wonders of using your imagination it is also a fabulous introduction to young children of how other children live in remote areas.
My rating 5 / 5 📬📬📬📬📬
Recommended age: 3 -10 years
The book can be purchased from the author: