Kelly Canby
Publisher: Fremantle Press
Publication date: 1st Feb 2023
Genre: Children's Picture Book
Pages: 32
RRP: $24.99AU Hardcover
Source: Courtesy of the publisher
My review of Timeless
This is such a fun story about "time". We never have enough of it, time flies by, yet sometimes it seems to stand still.
Emit is a young boy fascinated by time. The story follows Emit as he tries to capture time as he unravels sayings, literally.
If time flies maybe he can catch it with a net or if time passes you by, maybe if he stood still he would see it go by.
We found it fun to think of all the sayings that involve time; too much of it or not enough of it.
The gorgeous watercolour illustrations are busy on the page and there is a lot to take in. In contrast the text is simple and spare which made it easy for the children to connect with the story.
Timeless by Kelly Canby is a story that will delight any child. We have read it over and over.
The beautiful illustrations inspired Dot and Jay to create their own watercolour washes.

On white paper draw the desired picture or design with a white crayon or a candle. Use a little pressure so you get plenty of wax on the paper. (you won't be able to see the design).
Mix poster paint with plenty of water so it's not to dark and paint over the entire page. Your picture will appear like magic! 🖌
About the author
Kelly Canby is an internationally published illustrator and author.
Kelly was born in London, but has lived in Australia since the age of
three, which is probably around the same age she started playing with
pencils and crayons, and it was probably only a few years after that
that she decided playing with pencils and crayons was something she wanted to do for the rest of her life.