Saturday, 23 September 2023

Book Review: My Mum's a Pillow by Fiona Merrin

My Mum's a Pillow


Fiona Merrin

Illustrated by Simon Howe
Publisher: Empowering Resources
Publication date: 1st January 2020 
Genre: Children's Picture Book
Pages: 36
Source: Courtesy of the publisher

Review: My Mum's a Pillow

This is a lovely gentle picture book told from the perspective of a young boy who thinks his mum is the best in the world because his mum is as soft as a pillow and that is very special to him.
He comes home one day and says he is picked on at school for his big ears. His mum explains that everyone is beautiful just the way they are. The things that make us different, are what make us wonderful.
The story has lots of fun illustrations about his mum having lots of fun with him and how he loves that his mum is loud and noisy and sings in the supermarket.
There is an underlying message that some people bully because they are unhappy.

recommended age 5+ years
My rating 4 / 5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐


Sunday, 10 September 2023

Book Review: It's Up to U! by Jeremy Kalbstein

 It's Up to U!


Jeremy Kalbstein

illustrated by Leigh Brown

Publisher: Empowering Resources
Publication date: 1st September 2020
Genre: Children's Picture Book
Pages: 36
Source: Courtesy of the publisher

Review: It's Up to U!

In It's Up to U! Jeremy Kalbstein uses animated and gender neutral letters of the alphabet, instead of children, to make the story less confronting.
"I" liked to play with the other letters but most of the time "I" just liked to spend time alone. One night while "I" was looking online "I" saw that "N" had posted an embarrassing picture of "I" and it had likes and hurtful comments.
"I" became very unhappy and stayed away from everyone at school.

More and more comments were added until "U" told everyone to stop being mean and remove the post.

Told on a child's level with large full page colour spreads and delightful illustrations It's Up to U! is an important resource to help children understand the force of online bullying and it only takes one person to stand up and stop the bullying. That person can be U!

Children are using technology at a young age now and It's Up to U! is an important story to help make using technology engaging and safe for children of all ages.
It's Up to U! would be a valuable resource for all classrooms. 

You can order the book through the author:

Recommended age: 5 - 10 years

My rating 5 / 5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


Saturday, 2 September 2023

Book Review: The Bravest Word by Kate Foster

 The Bravest Word


Kate Foster

Publisher: Walker Books
Publication date: 4th May 2022
Genre: Middle Grade
Pages: 240 (paperback)
Source: Own copy

Review: The Bravest Word

The Bravest Word is a heartfelt story about a young boy and an abandoned dog, and how they saved each other.
Matt has been anxious and tired lately. He can't even manage a full game of football, and he's the star of the team! The more anxious he gets  the more he pulls away from school, his friends and his family.
The Bravest Word is a beautifully told story about an 11 year-old boy with depression and his battle within himself to understand his feelings and to cry out for help.
Kate Foster explores the sometimes overlooked condition of depression in children and how even the most well-meaning of parents can miss the signs.
The Bravest Word is not a sad story, it's a story that builds awareness and empathy in children. In The Bravest Word social media is a happy place, Matt's friends are super supportive, his parents are gentle and understanding.
Kate highlights the power of animals to heal when Matt finds an abandoned and abused dog and in searching for ways to help his dog he finds the answers to his own feelings.

The Bravest Word is well written for a child's level of understanding. It is a story that will help a child suffering from depression to open up and will also build empathy in other children as they come to understand the condition.

My rating 5 / 5 🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶

About the author

Kate Foster writes book for children about friends, family, and dogs. Originally from the UK, she now lives on the beautiful Gold Coast with her family and second-hand dogs.

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