Wednesday, 30 October 2024

Book Review: Two Can Be Trouble by Penny Macoun

Two Can Be Trouble


Penny Macoun

 illustrated by  Paul Nash

Publisher: Macoun Publications
Publication date: 6th August 2024
Genre: Children's Picture Book
Pages: 36 (softcover)
Source: Courtesy of the author via  Books on Tour PR

Review: Two Can Be Trouble

Two Can Be Trouble is a fun little story that I'm sure would play out in many backyards across the country. 
Jordan is playing in the sandpit and decides to add water so he can make sandcastles. He gets water everywhere but now both Jordan and his older brother Toby can make sandcastles and they build them all over the back yard. 
They then decide to help mum by getting the washing off the line. The wind blows the washing everywhere and the clothes get sandy and wet.

Toby thinks it's unfair that they both get into trouble as it was all Jordan's idea. He gets angry but soon the boys are the best of friends again.

Two Can Be Trouble shows how even the best of intentions can sometimes turn into disaster and that even though they sometimes get upset with each other the brother's love each other and have lots of fun together.

The only problem I had with the book was it was hard to tell the boys ages from the illustrations. I am assuming they would be about 3 and 7 years old but the illustration style made them look older.

My rating 3 / 5 👦👦👦
Recommended age: 4+ years

Tuesday, 29 October 2024

Book Review: Quokka Finds a Friend by Katie Stewart

 Quokka Finds a Friend


Katie Stewart

Publisher: Fremantle Press
Publication date: 1st August 2024
Genre: Children's Picture Book
Pages: 32
RRP: AU$24.99 (hardcover)
Source: Courtesy of the publisher

Review: Quokka Finds a Friend

How can you not fall in love with Quokkas, with their lovely round tummies and cute smiley faces!
When Quokka meets Seal he thinks he's sad because he isn't smiling (Quokka loves to smile).
He tries his hardest to be Seal's friend and make him smile. He tries lots of funny faces but still no smiles. Copying the humans, Quokka pretends to take a selfie with Seal (this always makes the humans smile) then Quokka falls in the water.
Seal says he will teach Quokka to swim but when Quokka says he really doesn't want to swim Seal replies that he really doesn't want to smile.
They soon find something they both love doing; watching the sunset together.
Quokka Finds a Friend is  the sweetest story about friendship and that friends don't need to like everything the same. Differences don't mean you can't be friends, you just need to find some common ground.
Highly detailed,  colourful illustrations pair with minimal text to make this read-aloud story book warm and inviting. Could Quokka get any  more adorable!!
Quokka and Seal's personalities pop from the page through Katie Stewart's adorable illustrations.
Beside its wonderful moral about friendship the story can be read for sheer cute appeal.
Quokka Finds a Friend is perfect for parents, carers, grandparents and educators to read aloud with children, and use it as a tool to discuss the concept of understanding other people's emotions.
My rating 5 / 5 🐻🐻🐻🐻🐻 
Recommended age: 3 - 6 years (older kids will love this too)


Tuesday, 22 October 2024

Book Review: Jack's Best Day Ever by Gabrielle Bassett

 Jack's Best Day Ever


Gabrielle Bassett

illustrated by Annabelle Hale

Publisher: Woodslane Press
Publication date: 1st May 2023
Genre: Children's Picture Book
Pages: 32
RRP: AU$24.99 (hardback)
Source: Own copy

Review: Jack's Best Day Ever

I bought this book thinking it would resonate with Jay as he is neurodiverse and also has a boy in his class who uses a wheelchair.
He loved the story, as his class had also visited the zoo, he enjoyed talking about all the animals he saw, just like Jack. He wasn't so keen on the part about trying new foods, as Jack very bravely tries the apple, carrot and strawberries that the animals are having for lunch.
Jack's Best Day Ever is narrated by his best friend, a young girl in a wheelchair . She champions Jack at every turn, stating how clever he is; like a walking encyclopedia. She understands and accepts his quirks and talks about the things he likes and dislikes. They simply enjoy being together!
Jack's Best Day Ever is a heartfelt story of friendship, acceptance and trying new things. A perfect fit for primary school aged children. It would be a valuable asset in the classroom to open up discussions on neurodiversity and cultivate understanding and acceptance of different ways of being.
The vibrant, fun and expressive illustrations by Annabelle Hale add to the overall appeal of this delightful picture book. 

My rating 5 / 5 👦👦👦👦👦

Recommended age: 6 - 10 years


Sunday, 20 October 2024

Book Review: Ethel the Penguin by Ursula Dubosarsky

 Ethel the Penguin


Ursula Dubosarsky

illustrated by Christopher Nielsen

Publisher: Allen & Unwin
Publication date: 1st October 2024 
Genre: Picture Book
Pages: 32
RRP: AU$19.99 (hardcover)
Source: Courtesy of the publisher 

Review: Ethel the Penguin

We've been loving books about penguins lately and Ethel the Penguin is another 'must read' that we've added to our shelf.

Ethel is that wild friend everyone needs! She is not afraid to make a fuss and have some fun. The teacher makes her sit by herself in class because she's full to the brim with mischief.

When she climbs to the top of the Ferris wheel and scares her poor parents, she really is sorry ...... for a little while. 

Ethel the Penguin is such a fun story! Ethel gave us all a bit of a giggle as she misbehaves in class causing a ruckus and jumps from the Ferris wheel forgetting penguins can't fly. She is totally impulsive and very much wild.

Ursula Dubosarsky uses anthropomorphism but I love that she didn't make Ethel totally human. Rather than living in a house she lives with her parents in an igloo. 

Christoper Nielsen's full page illustrated spreads are bright and colourful and the rhyming prose flow effortlessly making Ethel the Penguin an energetic and delightful read.

I can see this being one of our favourites for a long time to come.
We can hardly wait to see what Ethel will do next!

My rating 5 / 5 🐧🐧🐧🐧🐧
Recommended age: 3 - 6 years



Wednesday, 2 October 2024

Book Review: Dot! Scribble! Go! by Herve Tullet

 Dot! Scribble! Go!


Herve Tullet

Publisher: Allen & Unwin
Publication date: 3rd September 2024
Genre: Children's Picture Book
Pages: 56
RRP: AU$24.99 (hardback)
Source: Courtesy of the publisher

Review: Dot! Scribble! Go!

Dot! Scribble! Go! is our first look at a Herve Tullet book here at Little Squirrel's Bookshelf. Herve encourages artistic talent through imagination. His readers are invited to touch the pages and follow instructions to reveal the magic of art.
Filled with positive affirmations and exclamations of wonder each step of the way Dot! Scribble! Go! is a hands-on way to learn about following directions and an introduction to toddlers about colour, shape and the endless possibilities of dots, lines and scribbles.
I found the children got more enjoyment from trying the art hands on.
Dot! Scribble! Go! would be a wonderful book to use in an art class for young children to teach them to follow directions and that art can be fun, abstract and free flowing. It's all about having fun!
My rating 3 / 5 🖌🖌🖌
Recommended age: 3 - 6 years 


Book Review: Jo and the No by Kyle Mewburn

  Jo has come across a NO. No matter how hard Jo tries to get under, over, through or around it, the NO won't let them pass.     illustr...