Saturday, 15 June 2024

Book Review: Mawson in Antarctica by Joanna Grochowicz

 Mawson in Antarctica:



Joanna Grochowicz

Publisher: Allen & Unwin Children's
Publication date: 4th June 2024
Genre: Children's Non Fiction
Pages: 272
RRP: $19.99AU (paperback)
Source: Courtesy of the publisher

Review: Mawson in Antarctica

I've always been fascinated by the great explorers. Men and women who brave deadly conditions to advance our understanding of the world we live in.
Joanna Grochowicz has written a gripping rendition of Mawson's Australasian Antarctic Expedition which ran from 1911 - 1914. Their main goal was to chart a section of the coast.
I liked the addition, in the front of the book, of a list of the men who were part of the expedition and the job each man was assigned to although, once there, it was soon clear that everyone had to pitch in wherever. 

The unforgiving landscape and the men's battle with exhaustion, hunger and frostbite is all vividly described and as I read I was never in doubt of how bitterly cold it was and how dangerous a sudden change in the weather could be.

In Mawson in Antarctica Grochowicz uses the notes and diaries kept by the explorers, plus extensive research, to recreate the ambience and conversations between the men to write a highly engaging story about ordinary men who rose to extraordinary heights of courage and endurance.

Perfectly written for the intended age group of 10 - 14 years. I love that children are not only getting a totally immersive and gripping read but they are also learning an important part of Australian history and I hope, like me, it encourages readers to search for more information on Mawson and his team of adventurers.
Includes insert pages of photographs taken during the expedition.
My rating 5 / 5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Publisher recommended age: 10 -14 years
My age recommendation 12+ years
CONTENT: The men are reduced to eating the dogs to stay alive.

Saturday, 8 June 2024

Book Review: Cargo and His Little Brother Elvis! by Paul Dekmetzian

 The Adventures of Cargo the Army Truck

Cargo and His Little Brother Elvis!


Paul Dekmetzian

Publisher: Self Published
Publication date: 12th January 2024 
Series: The Adventures of Cargo #6
Genre: Children's Picture Book
Pages: 32 (softcover)
Source: Courtesy of the author

Review: Cargo and His Little Brother Elvis!

Cargo and His Little Brother Elvis! is book 6 in The Adventures of Cargo series. In this book Cargo introduces his little brother and the different things they like. Cargo likes the cold, freezing weather and the mushy snow whilst Elvis prefers it nice and hot. Even though they liked different things they loved to catch up when they have their annual mechanical check-up. Sometimes they are apart for long periods but their friendship never changes.
Cargo and His Little Brother Elvis is another wonderful picture book filled with adventure as Elvis visits a crocodile and hippo park and a takes a family to the beach.
Large, bright full page illustrations and a fun storyline are sure to delight little car and truck enthusiasts.
All books in the Cargo series can be purchased on Amazon in paperback or Kindle. There are even matching colouring in books to purchase.
My rating 5 /5 🚚🚚🚚🚚🚚
Publisher recommended age: 4 -9 years
My recommendation 2 - 9 years 


Friday, 24 May 2024

Book Review: Rosie by Lisa Van Der Wielen



Lisa Van Der Wielen

Publisher: Self Published
Publication date: 9th April 2024
Series: Rosie #1
Genre: Children's First Chapter Book 
Pages: 64
RRP:  The book can be purchased on Amazon in softcover and eBook.
Source: Courtesy of the author

Review: Rosie (book 1)

Meet Rosie, she is a cute little toy poodle who loves to comfort humans and give them lots of love.
She also manages to get into all sorts of mischief. She is inquisitive and loyal, guarding her family from danger; like the postman and garbage trucks.

One day she is accidentally scooped up into the green-waste recycling truck.

Rosie is a fun first reader narrated by Rosie and noting all the mischief she gets into (although she doesn’t think it’s mischief) and a suspense filled ride in a green-waste recycling truck.
How will she get back to her family?

Perfect for read together from 3+years and read alone from 5+years. Large text and super cute illustrations give added appeal.

End notes on recycling green-waste and making your own compost make a perfect intro to talks on sustainability. 

My recommended age 3 - 10 years
Publishers recommended age 6 - 10 years
Rating 4.5 / 5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐½ 

Friday, 17 May 2024

Book Review: Cargo and His Mates! by Paul Dekmetzian

The Adventures of Cargo the Army Truck

Cargo and His Mates!


Paul Dekmetzian

Publisher: Self Published
Publication date: 19th July 2023
Series: The Adventures of Cargo #5
Genre: Children's Picture Book
Pages: 26 (soft cover)
Source: Courtesy of the author

Review: Cargo and His Mates!

Cargo loves road trips with the other army trucks!
Book 5 introduces Cargo's vehicle friends. Tippy the tip truck, Shorty the land rover, Bella the rescue helicopter, Bevan the jeep and Big John the crane truck.

Bevan the jeep works in Italy, England, France and Australia. Famous landmarks are named in each country he visits.
Shorty the land rover was with the military police then he went to work on a farm.
Tippy the tip truck worked on the roads doing road repairs.
Bella the helicopter is busy flying sick children to hospital and rescuing lost hikers from a mountain top.
Big John is a crane truck and he can lift the heaviest loads.

Travel around the world with Cargo's friends as they tell you all about the places they have been and the important work they do.

This is another great addition to the Cargo series and is sure to be loved by little truck enthusiasts.
Beautifully illustrated with full colour spreads and an engaging storyline. 
All books in the Cargo series can be purchased on Amazon in paperback or Kindle. There are even matching colouring in books to purchase.
My rating 5 /5 🚚🚚🚚🚚🚚
Publisher recommended age: 4 -9 years
My recommendation 2 - 9 years


Book Review: Talent Quest: Smarty Pup 4 by Anh Do

 Talent Quest: Smarty Pup 4


Anh Do

illustrated by Anton Emdin
Publisher: Allen & Unwin Children's
Publication date: 30th April 2024
Series: Smarty Pup (Pawsome Genius) #4
Genre: Illustrated chapter book
Pages: 200
RRP: $16.99AU (paperback)
Source: Courtesy of the publisher

Review: Talent Quest: Smarty Pup #4

JJ the genius pup is back again with book 4, Talent Quest!
If, like me, you are new to Smarty Pup there is an intro explaining how JJ got to be so smart and be able to talk.
Dad's birthday is coming up and Lily and JJ don't have any money to buy him a present.
The perfect opportunity presents itself via the school talent quest which has a cash prize.
Lily and JJ sign up for the singing category. The only problem is JJ CAN NOT SING!
Lots of fun ensues while JJ learns to sing and costumes are selected. They almost miss the big day when JJ has an emergency dental appointment.
Filled with bright colourful illustrations and words that pop from the page,Talent Quest is sure to delight children and adults alike. JJ keeps delivering the dad jokes one after the other which had Jay laughing and saying "enough dad jokes."
This is such a fun story and I love that the Smarty Pup series has full stories with a conclusion, which is great for younger readers who may not understand the concept of a story continuing in the next book. At 200 pages it is a good size for older children to fully immerse themselves in.
Talent Quest is a story about trying your best and working with what you have.
This was lots of fun to read together and it kept Jay entertained and eager to know what was going to happen next. 
My rating 5 / 5  ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Recommended age: 6 - 10 years

Saturday, 11 May 2024

Book Review: Kip of the Mountain by Emma Gourlay

Kip of the Mountain


Emma Gourlay

Publisher: Harper Collins
Publication date: 1st October 2023
Genre: Middle Grade / Fantasy
Pages: 256
RRP: $24.99AU (hardcover)
Source: Own purchase

Review: Kip of the Mountain

I purchased this book for Dot hoping to entice her into the Middle Grade Fantasy genre however I was so disappointed with the delivery of the plot it never did make it into her hands.

Firstly the book is set in 1985 in Cape Town, South Africa. A time when apartheid was prevalent but this is not fully explored, just mentions of signs on the beach and a boy injured after using the wrong water fountain. A 2020's middle grade reader needs more explanation than vague mentions. 

Eleven-year-old Kip lives with her eccentric father and is bullied at school by students and the teacher. On her 12th birthday a bottle drops from the sky and it contains an egg which hatches into a small furry animal and Kip is happy she now has a best friend. When Buffel is kidnapped she must face all her fears to rescue him.

The problems I had with this book were that the humour was a bit ludicrous, the conversations felt unnatural and the racism was never fully explained.

What I did love was Kip, she was strong and resilient. She didn't let the bullies worry her and didn't let her father's distant behaviour affect her. 
The story dragged a bit but I have to say the cover is beautiful and that's what initially drew me to the book.

My rating 2 / 5  ⭐⭐
Recommended age 8+ years

Friday, 10 May 2024

Book Review: The Apprentice Witnesser by Bren MacDibble

 The Apprentice Witnesser


Bren MacDibble

Award-winning author of How to Bee and Across the Sea
Publisher: Allen & Unwin
Publication date: 30th April 2024
Genre: Middle Grade / Teen
Pages: 256
RRP: $17.99AU (paperback)
Source: Courtesy of the publisher

Review: The Apprentice Witnesser

The Apprentice Witnesser is set in a post-apocalyptic world. A sickness is sweeping the land however the people have learnt how to live and adapt to keep themselves safe.
Twelve-year-old Basti is the apprentice of Lodyma Darsey, a storyteller and witnesser of miracles. Basti and Lodyma have both lost their families and come together in a work / familial relationship.
Bren MacDibble has created a post pandemic world where there is a sense of self-care and communities working together to minimise further risk.
The Apprentice Witnesser is a story that lets children and teens see that there can still be a beautiful and meaningful life after a catastrophic event. Humans are resilient and can change and adapt to the environment around them.
What I loved about this story is that it shows how everyone can work together for a more natural, sustainable world and that miracles can be found in all number of places.
The Apprentice Witnesser is a story rich in wonder, intrigue, hope and resilience.
My rating 4 / 5  ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Content: death of mother
Publisher recommended age: 9 -13 years
My recommended age 11+ years (I find I'm always a little on the cautious side with recommendations)


Book Review: Chickenpox by Remy Lai

Set in the 1990's Chickenpox is a fabulously funny graphic novel narrated by the eldest of five siblings, twelve-year-old Abby Lai.   A...